Pat Kelly Campaigns

CAMPAIGN: WILLOW: Ontario Breast Cancer Resource Center

CLIENT: Ontario Breast Cancer Network

IMPACT: Gained long-term provincial funding support to establish and maintain the Ontario Breast Cancer Information and Resource Network – now nationally known as Willow – Breast & Hereditary Cancer Support.


CAMPAIGN: Breast Cancer: Unanswered Questions Campaign

CLIENT: Burlington Breast Cancer Support Services

INSERT LOGO HERE Burlington Breast Cancer Support Services

IMPACT: Federal Government hosted National Forum on Breast Cancer, Montreal, 1993; established the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative, 1994


CAMPAIGN: Bench to Bedside Summit – Canadians for Best Medicines

CLIENT: Best Medicines Coalition

IMPACT: Overhaul of the drug-review system and approval process reduced drug review times by 25% over 5 years, and ending the practice of “claw-backs” from pharmaceutical industry funding of drug reviews to general treasury funds and established a broad-based coalition of patient advocacy groups.


CAMPAIGN: Campaign to Control Cancer (C2CC)

CLIENT: National Cancer Leadership Forum

IMPACT: Federal funding of the National Cancer Strategy increased from $600,000 to $500M over 10 years and established the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer.


CAMPAIGN: Cancer Day of Action campaigns (provincial legislatures)

CLIENT: Campaign to Control Cancer

IMPACT: linked community-based advocates with provincial legislatures in same-day events across Canada to develop sustainable relationships between elected officials and community and professional organizations, and bring media clout to a chorus of voices.

RELATED LINKS :See the report here


CLIENT: Campaign to Control Cancer, International Union Against Cancer, American Cancer Society

IMPACT: Global forum to shift thinking and practice about how to engage the public in taking control of cancer.


CAMPAIGN: Global Community Conversations on Cancer

CLIENT: Campaign to Control Cancer, International Union Against Cancer, American Cancer Society

IMPACT: 1st global focus group on cancer hosted 201 conversations in 29 countries and 12 languages to learn more about people’s experiences of cancer and hear ideas for changing how we respond to cancer globally.

RELATED LINKS: See the Real World of Cancer report

CAMPAIGN: The People vs. Cancer with Stephen Lewis

CLIENT: Campaign to Control Cancer

IMPACT: Speaking tour of 10 Canadian universities to establish student-driven, campus-based cancer control campaigns that resulted in banning of sale of all tobacco products on Canadian university campuses, increased participation in HPV vaccination programs, promoted more restrictive tanning bed regulation and increased healthy campus policies.

CAMPAIGN: Engaging Emerging Leaders in Cancer Control (E2C2)

CLIENT: Ontario Trillium Foundation

IMPACT: University student-led, campus-based campaigns increased participation in HPV vaccination programs, end tanning-bed availability on campus and advanced healthy eating, active living, tobacco-free campus policies.

RELATED LINKS: See the Prezi

CAMPAIGN: World Cancer Day

CLIENT: MaRS Discovery Center, Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation

IMPACT: Annual social marketing campaigns targeting young adult/public engagement in World Cancer Day campaigns across Canada.

CAMPAIGN: Fair Treatment

CLIENT: Campaign to Control Cancer

IMPACT: Advanced development of public policy document and support for catastrophic drug coverage for all Canadians

RELATED LINKS: See the Spinning the Wheel: The High Stakes Game of Catastrophic Drug Coverage report

CAMPAIGN: First Annual Report Card on Cancer in Canada

CLIENT: Cancer Advocacy Coalition of Canada

IMPACT: CACC report made existing Canadian cancer data initiatives more urgent and also prompted the launching of new ones.